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Steps to upgrade Laravel 7 project to 8

A few years ago I had an old Laravel project that I built back in 2019. Back then I was still a junior developer and at that time I had no plans to host it. Fast forward to March 2024 I decided to host it in Heroku which I detailed in the last article . One of my reasons for this post was to give a guide to help make the Laravel version upgrade experience as less time consuming, and straightforward as possible.…
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Telegram Bot for GitHub Actions

Make a Telegram bot with Node.js and use it with GitHub Actions for sending notifications to you about the repo.
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Static Type Checking and Dynamic Type Checking

I’m sure you have ever come across the term type checking, either static or dynamic type checking while reading a textbook about your favorite programming language or during the late afternoon programming lectures and you probably didn’t fully understand what it meant. Evening lecture on programming The problem is that some articles have failed to give a clear explanation on what type checking is and the different types but after doing some research and studying of my own, I’ve decided to write a concise article to help you gain a clear understanding of what type checking means and its different types.…
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